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sábado, 9 de mayo de 2020

TROY : Fall of a city

If you could go back in time,what year would you travel to? I must make clear that my favourite time is the Trojan war.It's absolutely clear that there are numerous seasons around the history really amazing.What's more,some of them are essential to know in order to understand and not to make the same mistakes over some current situations.However,as I mentioned before,my favourite one is Troy period,and from my point of view this film perfectly shows us.

Troy is a historical and drama film.It was directed by Wolfgang Petersen and written by David Benioff.The main point of this amazing film is its cast,Brad Pitt,Eric Banaand Orlando Bloom achieve more realist to this epic war.It is worth highlighting that this film is based on Illiad by Homer,although it included scenes on Odyssey by Homer,and Aeneid by Virgil.Furthermore,Troy received a nomination Academy Award and it made over $500 million worldwide.

During a battle between the armies of King Agamemnon of Mycenae and King Triopas of Thessaly,the well-known warrior Achilles fight,who not only is the best warrior,but also insurgent.While the war is not finished,during a party in Sparta,Prince Hector and his younger brother attend in order to achieve a peace with Menelaus,king of Sparta.It is supposed that the situation will be best,however,not all glitters is gold due to Paris is having an affair with Menelaus- wife,Queen Helen.What is more,Paris decides to hide Queen Helen in their vessel which this fact makes Hector gets angry and what is worst,Menelaus with Agamemnon decide to take Toy,and the best warrior to commit this point is the great Achilles.

This film is exciting and pretty distracting,especially after the first epic fight.Although it takes almost 3 hours,it is entertaining to watch and it is considered,it is the faithful reflection of what it happens.I strongly recommend 'Troy' to anyone who enjoys historical movies......War is young men dying and old men talking.

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