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sábado, 29 de julio de 2023

ALL THE PRESIDENT’S MEN : The most devastating detective story.


Do you believe in politics? It is a complicated question,isn’t it? This month,we’ve had general elections.Under a really tense moment in Spain,we had to choice our future.Yet,in general,Spanish citizens don’t believe in these politicians.At first glance,they offer good intentions and positive measures.Yet,there is a fine line between what is prometed and what is finally really done.Besides,there isn’t anything transparent in their movements.In my humble opinion,and as we could watch in the videotape ‘All the president’s men’,in the politic system not all is clear.

All the President’s Men is an American political film.The movie  is based on a book of the same name by two journalists who investigated the case of The Washington Post.Two years later,in 1976,All the President’s Men was released to the large screen,directed by Alan J.Pakula.There is not in doubt that the strong points of this genial film are its film star,Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman.This film is considered as a culturally,historically and aesthetically significant by the Liberty of Congress in the United States.Besides,the film won four Academy Awards.As a final curiosity,the title is derived from a line spoken by Mark Antony in Shakesperare’s play Julius Caesar.The title symbolized the investigation into the integrity of the President and his administration.

Year 1972,Bob Woodward (Robert Redford),a young reporter of Washington Post is assigned to cover the attempted robbery at the Watergate.At the first view,this burglary is considered a minor importance,one of the thieves is James W.McCord Jr who has recently left the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).This fact makes the case changed fully due to it is directly related with The White House,and now it is highly delicate about private interests of the Nation.Yet,Bob Woodward along with another post reporter Carl Bernstein (Dustin Hoffman) believe that their work has of the lack of reliable sources of the Post’s.For that,they encourage further investigation in order to clarify this sordid case.

This is a masterpiece.The film involved a solid direction and a great cinematography.One of the few films that you can watch multiple times.This film is a must for cinema lovers.
…’I don’t mind what you did.I mind the way you did it’.