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lunes, 1 de junio de 2020

POLICE ACADEMY : The new police recruits

Do you remember summer open-air cinema? Nowadays,it's crystal clear that watching a movie in the cinema,not only is it absolutely comfortable,but it also more variety.Lately,enormous screens,multiple rooms along with the possibility to buy tickets online beforehand make us easier to go to the cinema.What's more,few years ago,in some rooms you can watch while you're laying in your seat.However,in the past or at least when I was a child,there weren't too much cinemas and only you can choose one film,but to my view,my favourite ones summer open-air cinema.So,the first one which I watched there was Police Academy.

The newly-elected mayor implement a new measure which will accept all recruits that want to enter to Academy police due to a shortage of officers,regardless of gender,body weight,skin color or age.Due to this measure,diverse police project want to ....Carey Mahoney (Steve Guttenbeng),Moses Hightower (Bubba Smith),David Graf (Eugene Tackleberry),Kim Cattrall (Karem Thomson) among others try to convince the tight instructors,however this fact won't be easy a change to the new cadets.Thaddeus Harris (G.B.Bailey),an ambitious instructor along with Commandant Eric Lassard (George Gaynes) go through a plenty of hilarious and inappropiate situations with these recruits which make them considerer the main idea of this academy.

Anyway,although the plot is not exactly serious,rather the opposite it is absolutely hilarious and I'm sure you never forget the role of Mahoney,Hightower or Tackleberry.I recommend you watch given that it is an entertaining story that makes you about the police's world.In addition,it was way ahead of its time according to humour comedies :thinking about this way of recruits academy was really creative,don't you think?
....Just don't call them when you're in trouble.

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