Which is you Grinch side? It's crystal clear that crown sites,mandatory meetings,price increase or mainly misses any family member make us feel angry or hate this Christmas time.What is more,and why is not saying,we usually behavior as the Grinch in some of these situations in spite of we love Christmas.Besides,I can't help saying that The Grinch is a fiction character but I'm sure that we know many people who fully hates Christmas don't like Christmas as well.Maybe,our purpose is to find their Christmas side.
The Grinch,which is also known as Dr.Seuss 'How the Grinch stole Christmas,is an American comedy film.In 2000,this amazing film was directed by Ron Howard and written by Jeffrey Price and Peter S.Seaman.The film was based on Dr.Seuss book on the same name.Its strong point,apart from Its well-known character Jim Carrey,was its makeup,as a consequence The Grinch won the Academy Award.Furthermore,it was nominated for Best Art Direction and Best Costume Design.It's fair to point out that How the Grinch Stole Christmas received mixed reviews,on the one hand their criticizing was related about how the plot was covered from the original book and on the other hand Carrey's performance and its visual aspect which were favorably praised.In 2018,it was the third screen adaptation of this story,which was an American 3D computer-animated movie.
It's Christmas time and Whoville (Whos) citizens love this season.Happiness and Christmas celebrations flood this peculiar village.Yet,not all that glitters is gold,the main character (plays by Jim Carrey) is the eccentric Grinch who lives in a world of hatred and greed,but increases in this happy season and with Whos as well.One day,the Grinch visits Whoville,his sole objective is to annoy their joyful atmosphere.While The Grinch is exchanged the gifts in the post office,he meets Cyndy (a six years old girl) who discovers that The Grinch has a dramatic childhood story.After This first accidental meeting,despite the Grinch's initial purposes,Whoville and The Grinch would be never the same.