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lunes, 27 de mayo de 2019


....They may take our lives,but they'll never take..OUR FREEDOM!!
Does this sentence familiar? It's crystal clear that freedom is one of the most beautiful words for us.However,this fact is not usually easy to get it.What’s more,among people like some women/men subjected or some minority groups stuggle in order to get this desired freedom.Thus,Braveheart shows totally struggle and resintance that William Wallace and his medieval warriors fight,in huge circumstances,in order to defend their convictions.
Braveheart is a medieval war film in 1995.It was produced,directed and starring by Mel Gibson.This unforgettable film is based on Wallace's life,who was the first Was of Scottish against King Edward I of England.Besides,It is also inspired by the Blind Harry's epic poem.Braveheart received mainly positive reviews and it was nominated for 10 Academy Awards and won five of them,best picture,director,cinematography,makeup and last but not the least sound edition.The rest of the cast was Sophie Marceau,Patrick McGoohan and Catherine McCormack.
The plot isn't less appealing,though,than the epic story of William Wallace.To start off,after Alexander's death,King Edward invades and conquers Scotland.Young Wallace is witness of this fact,and he is taken abroad for his uncle in order to be reeducated and as a pilgrimage in throughout Europe.During this ,Scotland is totally a property of Edward,but meanwhile William Wallace gets married,in secret,to his friend's childhood,Murron MacClannough.Yet,there is a turning point when Murrur is abused by soldeirs and after that she is captured in order to be ejecuted.In retribution,Wallace and his medieval clan carry out a revolution to recover Scoltland values and its domains.
So,his values,his love for his ladylove,his courage along with his struggle for the freedom make William Wallace one of the most unforgettable warriors,
To conclude,Mel Gibson reflects the working of the society of the 13th century through the eyes of the brave William Wallace, who awakens nothing but pride.The viewers suffer a Wallace’s fate much like Wallace himself.Gibson manages to describe this gloomy and violence atmosphere with his freedom view, with a riveting plot that attracts the viewer’s attention until the very end.
...........Every man dies,not every man really lives

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