It is often said that buying a house is the most transcendental decision which we will take during our life.It’s needless to say that you usually take this relevant decision with all your dreams and goals completely intact.In that moment your’re fully delighted,but it’s fair to point out that not all that glitters is gold when you start to live in your new home,about situation Walter and Anna have a master due to their chaotic experience story in ‘The money Pit’.
The Money Pit is an American comedy film.It was directed by Richard Benjamin in 1986.It’s crystal clear that its strong point is the well-known actor,Tom Hanks,although the role of Shelley Long is absolutely great.As a curiosity,the film was criticized due to the fact it is closely parallels of a Cary Grant film,it is called ‘Mr.Blandings builds his dream house’,it is true that there are some similarities.Finally,I’d rather comment that it was a Tv project in order to create a sitcom based on the film,however finally it was later put on hold.
Walter Fielding (Tom Hanks) and Anna Crowley (Shelley Long) are a pretty couple and they work in the music’s world,who live in a rented aparment.One day,they have to leave this fat because its owner,Anna’s ex-husband,Max (Alexader Gobunov) must come back to it.The couple finds a huge mansion in a lavish neighbourhood of Long Island but they attent to renovate it.However,the purchased house is a complete dissaster….the electricity doesn’t work,the chimney is broken,the tubs in the bathroom are collapsed,the plumbing is full of gunk,the fromt dood rips out of the wall…among other problems.The lovely couple tries to be blissful with this situation,although apart from these matters and a possible affair between Anna and Max make this situation almost untenable.
There is a thing that made ‘The money pit’ a particular occasion writing this review,it was that it brought back memories of my childhood experiences.I remembered my own excitement when the first time I watched this film with my mum,after that it was a must watching every year.Besides,it is true that I mentioned something about Tom Hanks in previous rewiews,but he is always on my mind when I talk over my 80s/90s favourite movies.
....for eveyone who’s ever been deeply in love or deeply in dept.